2 year hiatus update

So in honor of the passage of 2 years since my last post, I thought I’d add a quick update on some changes:
Sydney Davis, 12-09-10

  • I’m now a proud father of a baby girl, Sydney, who was born on Oct 12 of this year
  • I have 2 new nephews and a niece (in order by birth: Aiden, Alex, and Babe), in addition to Davis
  • I’ve returned to school at the University of Tulsa to pursue my PhD in Computer Science
  • As part of my doctoral studies I’m doing research in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology with Dr. Brett McKinney in the Insilico Research Group

Adrienne and I are enjoying watching Sydney grow up, and have taken a ridiculous number of pics and videos.

I’ve updated the About page previously with some of the info, but figured I’d throw up a post as well — how many people regularly check About pages anyway?

I’ll try and maintain regular updates going forward… next post, Dec. 16 2012 😉

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