Biennial blog update

It’s been an interesting couple of years. Sydney is now 4 years old and in preschool, keeping us busy, amused, and entertained!

I’ve enjoyed doing a bit of traveling and presenting my research this past fall at data science, HPC and medical informatics conferences: first was at ACM Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) in New York in August, second at the Oklahoma Supercomputing Symposium in Norman, and more recently at the American Medical Informatics Assocation (AMIA) 2014 Symposium in Washington, D.C in November. The KDD paper was an overview of the software tools, processes, and general environment used in clinical analytics at OU School of Community Medicine. At AMIA and the Supercomputing Symposium I discussed my analysis and research in medication adherence of Sooner Health Access Network patients. I’m really enjoying my data science work in health and clinical data analysis.

Speaking of traveling, our family spent Thanksgiving this year in Savannah, Georgia with the LeSages. We drove with the Elfrinks from Tulsa, so had quite a journey there and back (~17 hour drive). Savannah was an interesting city with a lot of character and southern charm, and it was great to see and spend time with all of Adrienne’s extended family in Savannah. With a grand history stretching back to 1733, it makes Oklahoma seem quite young in comparison. We all enjoyed our time there and look forward to seeing it again some day.

Lastly and more recently, we had a great time at Christmas in Spiro with my family and had the rare opportunity to spend several days there. Sydney had fun playing with her cousins and we all enjoyed celebrating Christmas there. Now the new year is almost upon us, so here’s to a superb 2015!

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